Site Pages


This site is an fan site for NEO Roy Hobbs Team called the Ultimate Sack.I love there outfit colors white and royal blue - very handsome and beautiful.

  • North East Ohio Roy Hobbs Adult Baseball League Fanlisting pages for fans and baseball team members.Made by an fan of the ultimate sack!
  • Which I think is one of the best baseball teams!

Donna Mae's Weblogs

Copyright and Disclaimer

This site is completely unofficial.It an fansite to,but I just unofficial related site to north east ohio roy hobbs adult baseball league.This is a non-profit website.All pictures in the photo gallery are copyrighted by Baseballgrl09 and,please don't steal them okay.Copyright ©2009,By Baseballgrl09.

The webmasters are not affiliated in any way with the aforementioned entities.The information on this,and adjoining, pages is provided solely as an informative and entertaining resource.No copyright infringement is intended nor implied.
Screenshot are all taken by me of the website links.Screen one is called commissioner's blog - website screeshot was taken by baseballgrl09 on march 17 year 2009 okay.If I've inadvertently not given credit where it's due, please let me know.Images Soure From Website;

Screenshot one is on the index page of

Copyright © 2009 by Baseballgrl09,all rights reserved.